Your billion-dollar investment update

Welcome to the 67th edition of Your Weekly Aura, a newsletter featuring must-read money and mindfulness tips and tricks from Courtney & Kelsey. This week we’re talking about catalytic capital, sustainable investing, and how your tax dollars are being used to invest in a better future. If you like this newsletter, please share it with your friends and subscribe below.

It’s Friday afternoon, do you know where your tax dollars are?

Today we’re talking about the biggest investment you probably didn’t know that you’re already in.

Congratulations, taxpayers, you’re all investors in clean energy and sustainable growth!

The Department of Energy’s loan grant program, which supports the development of innovative clean energy technologies, is funded by tax dollars. The goal of the program is to promote sustainable economic growth while reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

Over the years, the DOE loan grant program has funded numerous clean energy projects that have resulted in significant energy savings and emissions reductions. For example, the program provided financing for the world’s largest solar power plant in California, which can power up to 255,000 homes.

But why are the taxpayers investing so much? Shouldn’t the private sector be investing in these projects?

Short answer: Yes.

I left working in government because I believe the private sector can scale faster and go farther without the bureaucratic constraints that come along with having government investors.

That being said, the DOE loan program steps in at a crucial step in a company’s life-cycle – at the earliest stage when the ideas are just barely more than ideas, when the vision is within reach, but the resources remain just beyond access.

As taxpayers and residents of Earth, we’re all responsible for offsetting the risk of early stage innovation and betting on the moonshots and earthshots that will keep our home planet spinning.

Please consider this a personal invitation from a former DOE employee, current start-up founder, and fellow earthling to dive deeper into your investment journey.

At Aura, we believe that investing should be a force for good in the world. Our platform allows investors to invest in companies that align with their environmental and social values, enabling them to make a positive impact while also achieving financial returns.

We help you invest in companies that are making a real difference in the world, from renewable energy to sustainable agriculture to zero-waste solutions. By investing with Aura, you can feel confident that your money is being used to build a better world.

Your investment as a taxpayer is just the beginning – with Aura, you can take your commitment to clean energy and sustainable growth to the next level. So why not explore Aura’s platform and see how you can make a positive impact through values-aligned investing?

P.S. Investing is better with friends. Know someone who could use a dose of Your Weekly Aura in their inbox? Please share us with your friends.

For Your Aura

Want to learn more about your money story and discover your Aura? Take our quiz to find out your money personality today.

The Star: A Hollywood writer living on food stamps while the studios are getting rich.

The Empath: Over half of millennials expect to inherit money – 3 steps to take to prepare.

The Thinker: Is it a Bull or Bear Market? Why it doesn’t really matter.

The Activist: More than half of Millennials and GenZ workers would post their salaries online – and they want more salary transparency overall.

Ask the Expert

Is now a good time to invest?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked and truth is, there isn’t a straight answer. While I could tell you “the best time to start investing was yesterday, the next best time is today,” that wouldn’t give you the full picture. And I like full pictures. Investing is not only about financial considerations but also about aligning your investments with your overall wellness and mindset.

First, it’s important to assess your financial situation, including factors such as your current savings, any outstanding debts, and your emergency fund. Investing should generally be considered after taking care of these foundational aspects. Building a strong financial foundation helps provide stability and mitigates potential risks.

Next, consider your investment goals and time horizon. What are you investing for? Are you saving for retirement, a down payment on a house, or other long-term goals? Your time horizon can influence the types of investments you consider and the level of risk you’re comfortable with.

It’s crucial to understand that market timing, trying to predict the optimal moment to invest, is challenging and often unreliable. Markets can be volatile, and attempting to time them can lead to missed opportunities or making decisions based on short-term fluctuations. Instead, a disciplined approach known as dollar-cost averaging can be beneficial. This strategy involves investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions. Over time, this approach can help smooth out market fluctuations.

When evaluating whether it’s a good time to invest, consider diversification. Diversifying your investments across different asset classes, industries, and regions can help spread risk and increase the potential for long-term growth.

Lastly, seek guidance from a qualified financial advisor who understands your unique situation and can provide personalized advice. They can help assess your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon to develop an investment strategy tailored to your needs.

Remember, investing is a long-term endeavor, and it’s important to be patient, maintain a holistic perspective on your well-being, and make decisions based on careful consideration and professional advice.

Kelsey Willock, Aura CEO + Co-Founder


↗️ Stocks. Stocks are little changed as the S&P 500 heads for best week since March and the Fed shows signs of easing interest rate hikes.

↗️ Inflation in Sweden. Inflation in Sweden. Beyoncé shows blamed for fueling inflation in Sweden as the star’s launch caused a surge in hotel prices and other costs paid by fans that has yet to calm down.

↘️ Climate Negotiations. Leaders clashed over climate finance and the pace of carbon pollution cuts at Bonn Climate Change Conference. The lack of agreement seems to be setting the stage for a “huge fight” at the COP28 summit in the United Arab Emirates later this year.

↘️ Archetypes: Season 2. Prince Harry, Meghan Markle say goodbye to Spotify after podcast not renewed for second season — just pocketing one full $20M deal.


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